The conference will take place in hybrid mode, with about 40 in-person participants in addition to the invited speakers as well as online participants, while aiming to have as many in-person talks and discussions as possible.
Online participation
Online participation is free of charge. The online participants will receive via email the Zoom links allowing them to follow the talks, interact with the speakers, participate in discussion sessions, and virtually attend the poster session. Since the poster session will be held online, online participants will also have the opportunity to present a poster – see the information on the home page for poster submission.
In-person participation
In-person participation is free of charge. Since the venue has a limited capacity, we have already accepted around 40 in-person participants in addition to the invited speakers.
We should have the budget necessary to offer a financial support of about 300 CHF per person towards the travel costs of some in-person participants – this will be confirmed closer to the conference. When applying for in-person participation, you will be asked whether you would like to be considered for financial support. Please do not ask for reimbursement if your institution can cover your travel costs: this will allow us to support applicants who would otherwise not be able to attend the conference.
Registration form
Applying for in-person participation is no longer possible, but you may still fill in the below form to attend the conference online.